Do you ever wish you had a bulletproof programmable reverse proxy?
Maybe you want to pull a Cloudflare and cache some content or do some magic wildcard ssl-ing.
It used to be you had to write you own Node.js based reverse proxy or figure out how to build nginx with lua and other-module support.
Well fret no longer. Open Resty is here.
I admit, the docs are odd and it's maintained by some dudes in China. That said, it's awesome.
If you're on a mac you can homebrew from my recipe with these commands:
brew tap nathantsoi/homebrew-resty brew install open-resty
Once you've brewed up, grab an example script such as this one:
worker_processes 1; # we could enlarge this setting on a multi-core machine error_log logs/error.log warn; events { worker_connections 128; } http { server { listen 8080; server_name localhost; location = / { content_by_lua ' foo.say("hello, awesome!") '; } } }
and run it:
openresty -c