Programming a microcontroller is a bit different than programming on a PC. Error messages aren't nicely propagated to a terminal or GUI.
Error states are however, reported via register values that can be used to easily find the source of the exception. Keeping it open source, I will be using OpenOCD with Eclipse to demo this.
The general idea is to:
Jump to a specific place in the code when the exception occurs (the HardFault handler)
Preserve the register values at the time of the exception, so we know what happened
This is done in two parts:
Assembly code in the startup file that checks the PC
(Program Counter) register for the line that caused the exception
C code in the main application that loads the various values into variables that can be easily inspected
I added this code to the startup file after the reset handler
.section .text.Reset_Handler
.weak HardFault_Handler
.type HardFault_Handler, %function
movs r0,#4
movs r1, lr
tst r0, r1
beq _MSP
mrs r0, psp
mrs r0, msp
ldr r1,[r0,#20]
b hard_fault_handler_c
bkpt #0
.size HardFault_Handler, .-HardFault_Handler
This assembly checks which stack pointer is in use MSP
(Master stack pointer) or PSP
(Process stack pointer) then loads the PC
into R1
. Note that the PC
register will be one instruction after the offending line, so be sure to add your breakpoint in the assembly view window, on the previous instruction.
The assembly hard fault handler then calls the extended hardfault handler that is defined somewhere in the C code.
void hard_fault_handler_c(unsigned long *hardfault_args){
volatile unsigned long stacked_r0 ;
volatile unsigned long stacked_r1 ;
volatile unsigned long stacked_r2 ;
volatile unsigned long stacked_r3 ;
volatile unsigned long stacked_r12 ;
volatile unsigned long stacked_lr ;
volatile unsigned long stacked_pc ;
volatile unsigned long stacked_psr ;
volatile unsigned long _CFSR ;
volatile unsigned long _HFSR ;
volatile unsigned long _DFSR ;
volatile unsigned long _AFSR ;
volatile unsigned long _BFAR ;
volatile unsigned long _MMAR ;
stacked_r0 = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[0]) ;
stacked_r1 = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[1]) ;
stacked_r2 = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[2]) ;
stacked_r3 = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[3]) ;
stacked_r12 = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[4]) ;
stacked_lr = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[5]) ;
stacked_pc = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[6]) ;
stacked_psr = ((unsigned long)hardfault_args[7]) ;
// Configurable Fault Status Register
// Consists of MMSR, BFSR and UFSR
_CFSR = (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED28))) ;
// Hard Fault Status Register
_HFSR = (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED2C))) ;
// Debug Fault Status Register
_DFSR = (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED30))) ;
// Auxiliary Fault Status Register
_AFSR = (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED3C))) ;
// Read the Fault Address Registers. These may not contain valid values.
// Check BFARVALID/MMARVALID to see if they are valid values
// MemManage Fault Address Register
_MMAR = (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED34))) ;
// Bus Fault Address Register
_BFAR = (*((volatile unsigned long *)(0xE000ED38))) ;
__asm("BKPT #0\n") ; // Break into the debugger
The idea here is to load all the relevant information into variables that can be easily inspected. The Fault Status and Address registers should give us a good idea of what caused the fault.
This application note by Keil describes the register value meanings by bit:
This is a great example of debugging an imprecise bus access fault: "most often caused by a write to an invalid address."
The stacked_pc variable is the address of the instruction after the fault-causing instruction and can be pasted into the dissambly view in Eclipse.
Mad props to Erich Styger over at who first introduced me to hardfault handling.
See my BetaFlight commit for a complete example:
For example, if you've got an external interrupt handler pointing to the wrong place? You can check the handler that is called by tweaking the Default_Handler
// Load the address of the interrupt control register into r3
// Load the value of the interrupt control register into r2 from the address held in r3
ldr r2, [r3, #0]
// The interrupt number is in the least significant byte - clear all other bits
uxtb r2, r2
// break
bkpt #0
b Infinite_Loop
.size Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
.align 4
// address of the NVIC interrupt control register
NVIC_INT_CTRL_CONST: .word 0xe000ed04
Then search the manual for this value to find the table of interrupt number to types, 0xe000ed04
The ultimate cortex-m3/m4 manual, well explained material:
Programming manual from STM:
Fault handler example:
Great summary of registers: